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Pourquoi l’allure fondamentale est-elle clé pour progresser en course à pied?
Running & Trail Running

Why is the fundamental endurance pace key to progress in running?

In running, as in any other endurance sport, the fundamental endurance pace is the basis on which we can build our training and measure our progress. It's also the pace at which we need to run mos...

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Pourquoi faire des séances de fractionné ?
Running & Trail Running

Why do interval or high intensity training sessions?

High Intensity Training (HIT) sessions are essential if you want to make progress in running. These are interval training sessions involving repeated intense efforts.

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Comment s’entraîner pour un (premier) semi-marathon ?
Running & Trail Running

How to train for your (first) half-marathon?

The half-marathon is the gateway to the world of endurance running. To prepare well for a half-marathon, especially if it's your first, here are 10 key tips...

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Les marathoniens, ces héros ordinaires

Marathon runners, ordinary heroes

What commands respect is the mix of humility, discipline, the ability to surpass oneself, to endure and not give up even when it's difficult. That's why marathon runners are ordinary heroes.

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La grande traversée des États-Unis du sud au nord - épisode 3
Nature & Trail

The great crossing of the United States from south to north - episode 3

After crossing Colorado, Pierre-Loïc arrives in a third state, Wyoming. By the time he leaves Colorado, he has already covered half of the CDT, some 1,500 miles or 2,400 kilometres.

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Comment améliorer son endurance en course à pied ?
Running & Trail Running

How to improve your running endurance?

Endurance is our ability, thanks to the beneficial effects of training, to resist fatigue better and better when we make a sustained physical effort. This ability to resist fatigue is both physical...

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Comment éviter les blessures en course à pied ?
Running & Trail Running

How to avoid running injuries ?

One of the biggest frustrations for any runner is getting injured. When an injury occurs, we are suddenly deprived of our favourite sport and the balance it brings to our daily lives. So it's impor...

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La grande traversée des États-Unis du sud au nord - épisode 2
Nature & Trail

The great crossing of the United States from south to north - episode 2

In this second episode, we meet Pierre-Loïc on the border between New Mexico and Colorado. Pierre-Loïc has just spent 25 days crossing New Mexico. After passing through arid, semi-desert landscapes...

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Top 5 des Trail-Randos en Auvergne–Rhône-Alpes
Nature & Trail

Top 5 Running/Hiking Trails in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France (near Lyon and in the region)

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (AURA) region is a veritable paradise for trail running and hiking enthusiasts. If you love such adventures like us at EDELI, and you're looking for superb routes and wonde...

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Protéger les vieilles forêts

Protecting old forests

One of the key eco-friendly commitments of the EDELI brand is to donate 1% of our sales to contribute to the protection of the great outdoors. For all runners, the great outdoors are the ideal pla...

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